It is with no doubt that my go-to spot for when I need a quick-fix of online, "wishlist" shopping is Oak NYC. Seriously, not only do they carry all of the sickest brands from A-Z (Acne to Vena Cava) but they are amazing at updating their stock, I kid you not, on a daily basis. Plus, I'm a big fan of the way they photograph their pieces. Could almost classify it as editorial. Anyways, when I heard OAK was launching this new Every One is A.OK concept shop that would consist of specifically picked mixed & vintage pieces that wouldn't kill your bank account, I knew everyone was going to love it & the offerings would be amazing. Of course they did not disappoint; here are a few of the many that caught my eye:

silver multi ring necklace $38 / quay round lens sunglasses $48

studded jeans $96 / flat boots with buckles $117

crochet trim bandage dress $128 / high-waisted double zipper skirt $62