About a month back, the night before we left for Vancouver, I got pulled over for the very first time (first time = just like the movies meaning panicking, shuffling thru papers, not being able to find my insurance, boyf in the passenger seat, etc). I do admit I tend to ignore the speed limit most of the time but surprisingly I didn't get pulled over for speeding... "driving an unregistered vehicle" is the unlawful offense that I have committed. Um, well I'm pleading guilty tomorrow, although I'm gunna try to play the I-didn't-get-notified-in-the-mail-that-it-was-going-to-expire-there-should-be-a-grace-period-(it was only 2weeks expired)-I'm-a-poor-student card in hopes that the judge will sympathize for/with me. If all else fails, including pulling out my ugly sad puppy-eyed face, then well, it's not like I could do much with $230 dollars anyways...