Because of the many parks to choose from in Disneyworld, it doesn't hurt a little bit to plan out your days or the order in which you're going to do them in (as is most vacations in general, but park-hopping takes strategy!). One thing we all agreed on was that we wanted Magic Kingdom to be our very last stop, overall because it is the epitome of Disneyworld but most importantly because of the traditional Electrical Parade and Fireworks show offered at the end of the night. I remember this being my favorite part as a kid. As the night progressed however, some clouds decided to roll in, some lighting began to spark throughout the sky, and there were speculations of a huge downpour about to rain on our parade... but of course, it's Florida right? No big surprise there. My family and I ended up standing under Cinderella's castle awaiting the expected showers for about 15 minutes and I swear my Fairy Godmother heard me wish for it "just not to rain tonight, please" and bippity boppity boo, it never did. Syke! The Electrical Parade at that point had already been cancelled, but thankfully the fireworks show - aptly titled "Wishes" - did go on.

The show opened up with Tinkerbell flying thru the sky. Do you see her?

It's wishing stars crested approximately 100 feet above the castle.

The "villain" part of the show. Because in every Disney movie there's a villain, no?

Total fireworks firing cues: 665

Individual pieces of pyrotechnics: 681

The perfect grand finale to our trip
...thanks Mom and Dad for this much-needed family vacation.