Thursday, October 15, 2009

GGG Down Memory Lane No. 17: Polaroids

Yes! Yes! Yes! It was announced in a press conference in Hong Kong a couple of days ago that Polaroid will re-launch the legendary Polaroid One Step Camera. To think that they even muttered the thought of stopping production entirely of instant photography... I remember having my very own when I was 11. I took it to Florida and loved being able to capture those magical moments and have em' pop out in physical form a couple of shakes later. Now I'm lucky if I even go once a year to go and get my digital photos printed.

So, in light of this joyous occasion, here are some Polaroids of my mother and my older sister during another "joyous" occasion we all know and love: Christmas Photos with the big guy. For sure that is the scariest Santa ever... no wonder she was crying...