Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10 Things From Today #1: Snow, School & Rihanna

  1. I didn't even realize it was snowing today (my blinds were closed), until I read The FPOE while blowdrying my hair this morning. So much for my "nice weather" post yesterday.
  2. I bought a Noodle Time bowl for lunch and when I went to fill it up with hot water, I walked to the coffee dispenser instead and didn't notice until I had already poured some coffee in. [insert those 3 letters here, you know which ones]
  3. Gunna have to miss this week's class again, sorry Mina. See you next week though babe, promise! LOL
  4. Current state of mind: Prioritizing
  5. Came to school without the laptop, and have come to realize that I focus so much better without it (obvs). Along with miPhone, both are self-induced distractions that I need to get rid of, so from here on in I'm banning myself from bringing them to lectures. Wish me luck!
  6. The boyf got his internet connection working =); 3 more days left.
  7. 50's started at work this week; great, another temptation to spend money.
  8. Is it weird that I emailed my PSYC professor a Youtube link to this video after learning about the Perception of Optical Illusions? The answer is yes, but I did it anyways.
  9. I purchased the American Apparel black Nylon Tricot leggings; I have yet to find an outfit to make them work.
  10. Still unable to wrap my head around the CB x Rihanna news.