Tuesday, March 24, 2009

10 Things From Today #11: 21, Gangs, and Golf

  1. Happy 21st Birthday Sis <3. Love you!
  2. There is a thread on Facebook that is now upto 126 msgs trying to figure out the plans for Friday. Funny cause normally we are all so last minute and despite our efforts to plan ahead we'll probably still end up changing them come Friday. Nice try though guys!
  3. Kilkenny Wings > Jamesons Wings? Monday = The New Wednesday?
  4. Watched a good 5 episodes including the season finale of Jon and Kate Plus 8 yesterday, I could watch those kiddies all day. So cute, plus now they have German Shephard puppies.
  5. Just recently has it hit me that I'm missing out because of my allergies to all seafood; before it never used to bother me but since the boyf gave up meat - all the Sushi, Shrimp Tempura, Fish & Chips, etc., that he's been getting all looks so appetizing all of a sudden. For sure Fish and Chips would be what I'd try first if ever my allergies were to miraculously disappear someday.
  6. SOCI presentation tmrw on Gangs; the boyf thinks that I should dress up like a G for extra presentation points, HAHAHA can you imagine...
  7. I have an outfit for Friday planned already, it's getting drycleaned. =)
  8. Forgot to mention on my Weekend Wrap-Up #6 that all the while watching the movie Saturday night, I was sitting on gum; how rude of the person before me to do such a thing!
  9. Dad leaves for Vegas tonight; he's going on another golf trip with some other dentist friends... who collectively call themselves "The Golf Nuts" =/. Coool, HAHAHA.
  10. Do you need money? No, it's okay, Mom already gave me change for parking. Are you sure? Gives me $60 anyways. Thanks Dad.