Thursday, April 23, 2009


  • Just came back from my Sociology final, killed it.
  • Got away without paying for parking, once again. Saving money errrday!
  • Now for the hard part... planning to stay up until the early morn in an attempt to be semi-prepared for my Accounting final tomorrow at noon. At least my sister is keeping me company; likewise she's studying for her (senior) Accounting final tomorrow too.
  • But with the bad, life still manages to throw us the good: Payday, official possession of the Rebel, Mom comes home, TGIF, but most importantly a day/night off -- away from the books.
  • OMG! Hi Ibemarleezy!!!
  • I'm not a business, man. I'm a businessman.
  • So jealous and so proud of you, Spare Crew (+GF)! Real World shit now.
  • My goddaughter is getting so big so cute so fast. Highlight of my week seeing you guys. ♥
  • Lack of outfit posts? Oh that's because I've been living in the same TNA sweatpants and American Apparel hoodie for the past 3 days. =/
  • Chloe just learnt the concept of knock-knock jokes; so far she knows the "Boo-who?" (aw, don't cry) and "Ah-who?" (bless you!) ones.
  • While waiting for my caramel frap at Starbucks/Chapters the other day, I came across this dope, little independent fashion magazine who's name I forget. Gotta make it back there sometime to buy it read it without paying for it. Again, GGGB is saving money errrday! LOL
  • Miss you, just wanna cuddle with ya. Bye!