Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Spotlight On The Bunny

So I bought this long-sleeved "waffle" dress the other day... turns out it's "basically a thermal, Babe". This is true. Oh well, the better to stay warm during snowboarding season my dear. Hmm, I'll show you guys my board one day. That was my dope birthday present for my 19th and I really want to just use the shit out of it (with TLC) this year. :) Speaking of birthdays... my Boyfriend's, his brother's girlfriend AND my Mom's are all this coming Friday. Life is full of coinkidinks, guys. I love my Madeline for taking my shift for me (since somehow I totally forgot to book that night off) so now I have alll night to spend with them. Anyways, enjoy the silly pictures! This little bunny is off to go study.


Jurr said...

dope DIY project