Thursday, February 19, 2009

10 Things From Today #3: $75, Prestige Worldwide and Coughing Chloe

  1. It's Thursday already, not excited for the weekend because I know what's to follow once it ends. (SCHOOL)
  2. Decided to pick up a 9-4 shift yesterday, after realizing my expenditures almost overtake my earnings. =/ I did however find a Danscott paycheck for $75 in my purse, gotta cash that big one in.
  3. PRESTIGE WORLDWIDE begins! I genuinely enjoy being at the sidelines and watching; as long as I'm prepared, warm and have a hot chocolate I will be (already am) your biggest fan.
  4. Currently still in a state of bodily pain from boarding and yoga; I love it.
  5. DIY project in the works: denim display for the boyf's room. Went to JYSK and Rona on Tuesday but had no luck finding what we needed. Trip to Ikea maybe? (!!!)
  6. More Than Words, Hero, Officially Missing You: songs in rotation on the guitar/the only songs we know which is why they're in rotation.
  7. Chloe doesn't know how to cover her mouth when she coughs, I'm crossing my fingers I don't catch that shit too. LOL
  8. I made myself a bagel and stuck scrambled eggs in it this morning; yup, the joys of waking up at 11AM and having nothing better to do.
  9. Pretty jealous of your sick update/reconstructed look, haha.
  10. Only boring people get bored.


#12 M.Tseng said...

you are and always will be biggest fan! prestige world wide wide wide