I never used to like watching anything Sci-Fi. Never would've thought that I'd be a sucker for robots, outerspace, or aliens for that matter but look at me now! I am strangely attracted to Spock and sometimes I'll randomly make those noises that Transformers make while, uh, transforming. And especially after seeing District 9, now I'm seriously fascinated and totally into movies like these. Am I the only who CRIED in that movie? Gosh.
Anyways, I recently came across these incredible pieces by Taiana Designs, and this is where it all ties in. Her current collection of scarves and wraps is inspired by the wide range of personalities that the fibers of merino wool take on. All of her pieces are hand-made, and like usual "due to the organic process the material undergoes during fabrication, none of her creations look alike." This is Sci-Fi, in the fashion world.
{taiana design}
Creations? More like Creatures.