{emmabell s/s 2010}
Speaking of cute sparkly frocks, that Jimmy Choo x HM tank that I was fangirling over a couple posts back is going for $200+ on Ebay... alright c'mon it's cute, but not THAT cute. =/ I guess I can easily let go of it considering I just found out that this year we're not even having a legit staff Christmas party (nor will I need it for the anniversary, where we're going I need to bundle up)! The previous years we've done them at Calgary's ultra chic resto-lounges Velvet, Blink, and SeVen - this year (wait, this is my 4th Aritzia holiday season?!) we're just doing a little dinner, and we're not even allowed to bring our significant others :( Boo, although I'm sure the company has bigger and better ideas to spend their money on eh? As IYBC says, big things poppin' over here.