Globalfest 2009: 08.25.09

"She wants you. You're her favorite today."
I never used to like watching anything Sci-Fi. Never would've thought that I'd be a sucker for robots, outerspace, or aliens for that matter but look at me now! I am strangely attracted to Spock and sometimes I'll randomly make those noises that Transformers make while, uh, transforming. And especially after seeing District 9, now I'm seriously fascinated and totally into movies like these. Am I the only who CRIED in that movie? Gosh.
Yesterday night, "we" (as in not me... since yesterday was my day off) shipped all or what was left of our Spring/Summer merchandise away. GOOD RIDDANCE! So what to do with a now empty Sale wall? Br-br-bring in more of the Fall merchandise, of course. Out with the old and in with the new. Take a look at our Fall Preview lookbook:
After seeing these stills posted on Carolina's blog, I knew I had to see the film... got the boyf to download it right away and we watched it late last night until almost 2 in the morning. Sienna's character "Nikki" intrigued me simply just by looking at these. I was so curious to get to know her because she looks like a handful... and of course in the actual film she did not disappoint. She killed it. Along with the really, really ridiculously good-looking Jude Law, obviously.
I've literally been working non-stop, I'm surprised I haven't pulled my hair out yet. I'm doing 6 days on, 1 day off. Last week the latter fell on a Thursday, so I tried to spend it wisely... took my friends and goddaughter to the Pfantastic Pannenkoek Haus for a late crèpe breakfast and then after that headed off to TD for a quick browse (was this close to buying a bag, but a picture message sent to the Boyf and a phone call later saying that it looked like "Juicy Couture", I was obviously quickly talked out of it... ha) This week my day off landed on a Wednesday, which worked out nicely as to hit up the grand opening yesterday of the CrossIron Mills mall in Balzac. Sis and I managed to grab a few things from ForeverXXI, but aside from that the place does not cater to me. Also, I find it funny how even on my days off, I still end up in a mall.
My best friend got back from Las Vegas a couple of days ago, two other ones are currently in Panama, my sister leaves for Mexico with her boyf this Saturday, and a last minute trip to Vancouver is booked and underway without me. Meanwhile, I'm literally stuck in this period of retail, the second most important one to Christmas: BACK TO SCHOOL. Black Out period is a bitch. So to be quite honest, along with last weeks weather in Calgary being quite gloomy... I feel as if my Summer, if not already, is very quickly coming to an end. =/
Time for some more Florida 2009 reminiscing then, ya?