Oh my goodness. Sorry about the delay guys... when it comes to my Blog I have serious OCD/ADD and can't ever settle with publishing it on the web until it looks exactly how I want it to look. It was so bad to the point where I was editing HTML on miPhone. It's a curse, really... kind of how we get ready in the mornings, put on an outfit and hate it only to do the vicious cycle over and over again until you're late for work and you still look bad. Well, over the course of my makeover and ridiculous outfit changes, the unspeakable happened... the entire Blog deleted itself. Which is why you may have gotten a spam of old/new GGGB posts on your Dashboards because I had to re-import them, blah, blah... not to mention that all the while I think I lost all of my followers. :(
Anyways, I'm now in love with my new look so first things first! A couple new housekeeping things worth mentioning: I've always wanted to write my posts in Courier New... it's kinda short and quirky and geeky like Wolowitz. Plus the other day, I learned in my COMS class - this course is SO useful, I swear - the difference between Serif and Sans Serif fonts and surprisingly applied it on here. I would go into it but that would bore the hell out of you (or have I already? ha). Selected lengthier posts still have a SEE MORE PHOTOS » link to take you to the full thing. The FEATURED POST // section above is automated to display my most recent "Good Girl Gone ____________ #_" exclusive ones. Took out the sidebar, moved that shit to the bottom. Tiny little arrows beside your scroll bar have the power to take you ALL the way to the top or ALL the way to the bottom at the click of your mouse (I did this mainly for my sake in editing but I guess it's helpful for you readers too). Oh and I made a logo, changed my one-liner (because I'm turning 20 soon, and my old one wouldn't have sounded the same: "a 20yr old good girl..." 20?! RIGHT?), and added a FAQ section that is currently Under Construction because nobody has ever asked me... any questions, frequently? So ask away! Shoot me an e-mail or send me a comment. SOMETHING! JUST TO KNOW YOU GUYS ARE STILL ALIVE!!!
That is all. Enjoy,
xx goodgirlgoneblogged