classic tasman vs. marquis knit, all $75usd
...which ones, which ones? I need to order them online asap so that they'll get here in time! I'm just really having a hard time deciding: I really love the printed band of the Tasman ones, although the knitted ones are textured all over, which I love. Should probably eliminate the lighter colored ones (nooo) since knowing me - I'll have them dirty in no time. Let's see here. The color "scheme" for most of my snowboarding shit is white, gold and black so really, any of them would match and look dope on the slopes. Another factor swaying my decision is the fact that Stoneridge has the below shearling ones and I can have them ordered to my house by the end of the week... HELP! HELP! HELP! What's a (cold-eared) girl to do?!
classic shearling in chestnut, $115cad